Monday, October 23, 2006


2 a 2: Deixando fluir...

(Fotografia Olga Correia)

Olho o mar e no fluir da vida estou indo... para além dos sonhos onde a presença eterna É.
Deixando fluir...os pensamentos, os sonhos, os sentimentos, a beleza, o infinito.
Que a força do mar nos traga a vida que outrora levou. Bj
Looking thru your blog, I can see some coastal similarities. I live on the Central Coast of California. Some people call it The Okies Riviera (Okie's being transplants/migrants from Oklahoma). Oceano Dunes is a favourite spot for "weekend warriors" who come and maraud our beaches. I always think it's funny when some fool tries to forge across a waterway very similar to this. Then commence to getting very stuck. Usually it's in a big huge RV motorhome ridiculously loaded down with All Terrain vehicles and driven by dumb people.
Lumen Origine: "Indo... para além dos sonhos"... Gostei.

Fátima Vinagre: Deixando fluir... isso tudo e ainda mais...

Changapeluda: I do live near the coast, also a lucky one.
Fortunately I never found any of those "weekend warriors".
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